Ide írhatod a honlap főcímét, ami legfeljebb 75 karakter lehet!

Objects here for sale, are specimen out of een very big collection. A part of this collection has belong to the famous dutch antropologe en autor dr. Paul Juliën who was active before the second world war in Africa, special there where Pigmees lived

Objects here for sale, are specimen out of een very big collection. A part of this collection has belong to the famous dutch antropologe en autor dr. Paul Juliën who was active before the second world war in Africa, special there where Pigmees lived in that time,  mostly in the former Belgian Congo. The biggest part of the collections has been collected duringe about 40 jears from 1950 util 1975 by the antropoloog Dr. J.P. Goddijn  who is selling the collection in case of his of age and very littel intrest of his daughter.

It is for buyers possible tot ask for printed explication, of any object the buy.


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